This week I've really been feeling inspired by everything Japanese. Both of my two treasuries this week had Japanese themes and so I thought I would carry this over into my favorite item contest. Again here are the rules:
1) You cannot vote for yourself
2) You CAN encourage your friends to vote for you
3) Results will still be tallied Thursdays by 7:00 pm (central time)
4) A link to the winning item's shop will be placed on my etsy shop homepage!
Vote by placing a comment with the mention of your favorite item.
Happy voting, here are this week's items:
PickleThings ..... misschief

THIENTHANH ..... MarchiMadeIt

ThePaperElement ..... TheJuicyPeach

alicediy ..... flatbird

smallimpressions ..... theastarr

The paperelements dolls are so kawaii!