It was bitter sweet staying with my parents this past weekend. My old room, which I have not "lived" in for about four or five years now, has now been repainted. Thankfully they left my tiger mural up which I even included glow in the dark paint for the eyes and teeth. (That first night sleeping with him looking at me was very creepy!)
Many memories of living in that room including my entire wall montage filled with random picture of friends, postcards, posters, and old artwork from high school. I am so grateful that my parents allowed me the freedom to be creatively expressive and draw/paint etc on the walls of that bedroom!
Above is another mural I was working on but never got to finish (which now hides under fresh tan paint). It was during a time when I was studying Japanese calligraphy and characters which I never had the patience to end up mastering.
Below is a leopard I had also started sketching to paint but never got that far.
The memories are bitter sweet. Lots of imagination and creativity was sparked in that room. However, I am very honored that this room has now morphed into the family's music room so I know the creativity will live on!