Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nesters Awake

Awake all you nesters, it's springtime!
Vote in this week's favs contest by leaving a comment with your fav
but please don't vote for yourself.
Voting will end Thursday at 2:00pm eastern time.
Enjoy and have fun.

1. hownice - n is for nest magnets 2. Rainsend - blue birds ring holder 3. CountryDreaming - herons' tree nests photo
4. RozArt - nest oil painting 5. BrianaEdelmanDesigns - bird clutch 6. Iszle - nest pocket mirror
7. JPATPURSES - bird pouch 8. humankindness - bronze nest necklace 9. jellabeejr - bird hair clip


  1. thanks so much for the feature! Wonderful choices but I must say I love that blue birds ring holder by Rainsend-- adorable :)

  2. So pretty, thanks for including my mirror!

  3. ooh, and my fav is the bird clutch by BrianaEdelmanDesigns - just gorgeous!

  4. They are all so pretty! I think my favorite is 5. BrianaEdelmanDesigns - bird clutch. :)
